Tuesday, April 28, 2009

The emergance of a new political party The Neo-Technocratic Party

The Emergence of a Fourth Political Party The Neo-Technocratic Party (this development of a new party is of course fictional but made to make you think ) The current Socialist political movement in the United States to destroy the new world Is Sparking a Forth Political Party. As we stand today in the year 2009 America is waning towards a socialist economy which means the death of technology and all progress forever. This occurs due to Nash equilibrium. Nash equilibrium named after John Forbes Nash is a solution concept of a game involving two or more players, in which each player is assumed to know the equilibrium strategies of the other players, and no player has anything to gain by changing only his or her own strategy unilaterally. The concept of the mixed strategy NE was introduced by John von Neumann and Oskar Morgenstern in their 1944 book The Theory of Games and Economic Behavior. The Theory of Games and Economic Behavior. Is a book that has guided the creation of all modern day economies and still guilds us. John von Neumann lays out the description of growing healthy economies as a dynamic adaptive evolving machine. This revolutionary book on economics evolutionary properties, the relationship of seemingly separate fields of thermodynamics and information theory. The American socialist movement can mean one of two things. The first reason is bad but the second reason could give you a heart attack. Regardless of which reason it actually is both create the exact same outcome. (1) The first possible reason for the America socialist movement- is a collective misunderstanding of what socialism means by ether equating the promoting of socialist elements in political promises with easy political gain or they are convinced that socialism is the right way to go by ether corrupt think tanks or on their own accord. (2) The second possible reason for the America socialist movement- The America socialist movement is a clandestine political Neo-Luddite maneuver. Which is one or all of the following Luddite goals. To dampen the speed of technological change ( turn the Olympic sprinter into a power walker ) To create a government time server, lock the United states perpetually into the present state. ( both feet on the breaks ) To roll back the clock ( skip backwards hand in hand to hell then a choreographed swan dive into oblivion ) Our recently past presidents and President Obama is in fact one of the latter. President Obama ether believes Socialism is the best direction for this country or he is using Socialism as a front for a dark goal. he wants us to think he simply just believes Socialism is the best solution which is a front and camouflage for a Luddite movement that knows socialism would in fact take progress to a grinding halt and the slow euthanasia of America.  The Republican Party is ether unable to make sense of this and have become hopelessly lost or they are in on it also. Both Parties might unaware of what is going on. Both Parties understand that technological progress will cause market insatiability and continuous job loss in low learning curve and labor jobs. So both parties Tend to succumb to a political pledge of a system that is of a socialist dimension or has socialist embedded elements to win votes in a increasingly tougher work environment. A new Society is needed in this day and age. Strong Social Darwinism A NEO-TECHNOCRATIC Society A renewed Technocracy and the total annihilation of all systems that fall anywhere near and within the socialist spectrum. That means welfare food stamps and any money that feeds people without money or ability to feed themselves. The end of special interest groups like the mandatory of installing elevators in every public structure for handy caped people. The end of any political power in all unions. The destruction of any government health care system. The right to hide your age name and location in resumes sent to companies. A mandate by law that your age name race sex and location is not known or sought by companies until hired and remains unknown if rejected. The right to take apart your purchased technology and make it better. Sadly a revolution is needed or a Columbus must set sail and leave the rest to its slow end. If you asked Obama this question: Mr. President can you give me in your opinion the two best examples of why Socialism is a fundamentally flawed system. He would not answer this. President Obama and all of Washington are lying about what level of socialism we are currently at and the direction we are moving in. Let me reap this once more to make it very clear - The United States government is LYING to the American people about the biggest issue of all. Washington is Lying to every American citizen about the future direction of this government. Ask everyone in Washington what future direction is the country headed into? 1.) A labor union, Universal health care, socialist economy where no one comes to America for school anymore or goes to school anymore. Or 2.) A highly competitive high skill level Technology sector workforce that makes up almost the entire economy where 90% of all young Americans ends up going back to Collage or quality Trade schools once more in their 40s, and then 30% go back a second time in there 60s, 10% go back to school for the fourth time just ten years later in their 70s. A total embracing of all advanced technology even if it prunes back a large number of jobs. The endless use of robotics and the complete automation of agriculture. There are dangers in technocratic societies , some forms of technocracies are a form of meritocracy, a system where the "most qualified" and those who decide the validity of qualifications are the same people. That can become wildly distorted and corrupt. The reason a new form of Technocracy is doable in 2009 and onward is telecommunications, the internet has exploded and we now have a way to monitor and evaluate the members that run the whole system. Yes some congressmen/women twitter but that's not exactly what I'm talking about. What I'm referring to is machine and computer vision taking terabytes of data surveillance of all individuals that run in office and full surveillance and digital reports of up and comers and potential talents based on credentials can be streamed to citizens in real time. Think of an academic and scientific American Idol. The Neotechnocracy system is a Panopticon for government. on to what really makes this system the greatest system. A NeoTechnocracy attempts to continuously answer a the question with its actions. The question is this - What is the smallest possible number of people that can govern any number of people The answer is - The perfect government. For a NeoTechnocrat Compression is comprehension. 100% perfection is not entirely feasible but you get the gist. The aim is to get as close to perfection as possible members of the Neotechnocracy will be assigned the job to strictly oversee and implement analysis of government reduction. The second technology exists to replace a government body that body is mothballed and liquidated and replaced with silicon and code. The details would entail knowledge of econometrics, running simulations of the economy and government bodies to analyze net efficiency. Find flaws and obsolete systems while making all results public. Non simulation studies (the systems actual results) of real world data all made public. The Neotechnocracy system is a Panopticon for government. All while keeping secret all of out defense systems and spy agencies. while also destroying the revolting door. (if the revolving door is beneficial I am not intelligent enough to see a Neotechnocratic form it could take that would not screw over companies and corrupt politicians. I personally hold the position that a strong military virtual or real should exist until the sun burns out and beyond. We must protect our existence even if it comes close to threading our own existence. Even the minute eventuality of extraterrestrial existential risk. Sounds funny but if it happens I hope we have machines doing the dirty work because all our minds will probably be else ware and the core of life is the fusion of replication and metabolism, I doubt other living beings are exempt from this phenomenon. Socialism and Capitalism Capitalism is the staple of a thriving Neotechnocracy system, but strangely at a certain point that wont last very long there will be unavoidable Socialism of sorts, as a weird quasi hybrid Capitalism Socialism system. Because of advances in technology would make this occur as a epiphenomenon but not intentionally. A brief summery is Agriculture gone NASA fully robotic and automated energy and food industry.. have a beer and Smok'em if you got um. A quick Google of the words "Computer Vision" will sum it up. Spectacular technological advances in computers making sense of the world and navigating it autonomously is where we are currently at. Telepresence Mechatronics ,Nanotechnology, virtual reallity the new internet brought to you by DARPA and contractors of FCS will dominate the century and beyond. {John von Neumann (Hungarian: margittai Neumann János Lajos) (December 28, 1903 – February 8, 1957) was a Hungarian American[1] mathematician who made major contributions to a vast range of fields,[2] including set theory, functional analysis, quantum mechanics, ergodic theory, continuous geometry, economics and game theory, computer science, numerical analysis, hydrodynamics (of explosions), and statistics, as well as many other mathematical fields. He is generally regarded as one of the foremost mathematicians of the 20th century.[1] The mathematician Jean Dieudonné called von Neumann "the last of the great mathematicians."[3] Even in the city in the time that produced Szilárd (1898), Wigner (1902), and Teller (1908) his brilliance stood out.[4] Most notably, von Neumann was a pioneer of the application of operator theory to quantum mechanics, a principal member of the Manhattan Project and the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton (as one of the few originally appointed), and a key figure in the development of game theory[5][2] and the concepts of cellular automata[2] and the universal constructor. Along with Edward Teller and Stanislaw Ulam, von Neumann worked out key steps in the nuclear physics involved in thermonuclear reactions and the hydrogen bomb.} A set of strategies is a Nash equilibrium if no player can do better by unilaterally changing his or her strategy. To see what this means, imagine that each player is told the strategies of the others. Suppose then that each player asks himself or herself: "Knowing the strategies of the other players, and treating the strategies of the other players as set in stone, can I benefit by changing my strategy?" The answer is no. A Socialist country or a quasi Socialist country eliminates the emergence of new types of strategies for all individuals and companies. There is no point in working hard to achieve an advantage for a goal. If you get a novel idea it will never be yours if you right it down on paper. There would be no point in creating a team for any purpose. The list goes on and on in this backwards bazaar socialist world, it is a great source of material for a novel or film script. Socialist might look to the Pareto efficiency concept ; Given a set of alternative allocations of, say, goods or income for a set of individuals, a change from one allocation to another that can make at least one individual better off without making any other individual worse off is called a Pareto improvement. An allocation is Pareto efficient or Pareto optimal when no further Pareto improvements can be made. This is often called a strong Pareto optimum (SPO). Pareto efficiency concept also means allocating all resources to one person and none to anyone else is Pareto efficient. Pareto efficiency does not consider the equity of resource allocations. Hypothetically- (To become successful in a Socialist country you would have to have a terrifying intellect and single-handedly succeed to a power position that could over though the Socialist government. In a long enough span of time this would inevitably occur but its occurrence could mean a great loss of life for that country and the world as a whole.) A Socialist country renders a hard working intelligent learned person powerless and meaningless.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Quantum Cathedral

This blog will be an on going written report of all work done from the website www.quantumcathedral.com and my thoughts on various subjects in the fields of computer science, emerging technologies and physics.

Virtual Reality

Arts Future

The future is now

This technology is old... which should tell you something.

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These and many other videos in my long searching will be posted here
